Srebrenica, 11 July 2010

The Srebrenica massacre was the genocidal killings in two days in July 1995 of more than 8,000 Muslim men and boys, in and around the town of Srebrenica during the Bosnian War. The killings were perpetrated by units of the Bosnian Serb Army under the command of General Ratko Mladić.

Only three of the perpetrators have been convicted: General Mladić, General Krstic and Colonel Blagojevic. Radislav Krstic was convicted by the Hague Tribunal of aiding and abetting genocide and received a sentence of 35 years in prison, the first European to be convicted on a charge of genocide by an international tribunal since the Nuremberg trials. Vidoje Blagojevic received a sentence of 18 years for crimes against humanity.

The overall Serb commander Ratko Mladić was arrested by the Serbian authorities on 26 May 2011 in Lazarevo, northern Serbia, transferred to The Hague and tried at the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on:

2 counts of genocide

5 counts of crimes against humanity (Persecutions, Extermination, Murder, Deportation, Inhumane acts /forcible transfer)

4 counts of violations of the laws or customs of war (Murder, Terror, Unlawful attacks on civilians, Taking of hostages )

In 2017 Ratko Mladić was found guilty of committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide

In 2009 the EU Parliament declared 11 July as a day for EU commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide. On the day in 2010 thousands of family members, friends of the victims gathered at the cemetery near Srebrenica.

775 coffins with the remains of newly identified victims from mass graves were laid to rest after a ceremony attended by dignitaries and politicians, including heads of state and governments. Some of them were louder than others in condemnation of the massacre in what was supposed to be a "UN safe area."

Harris Silajdzic, Bosnia and Herzegovina's president in 2010

Bernard Kouchner, France's Foreign Minister in 2010

Courtesy live feed BHT, Sarajevo