Life continues in a Sarajevo street, despite the snipers and shelling from the hills above.
Ademir Kenović, 1993
In November 1993 BBC2 TV began to broadcast 'Sarajevo: A Street Under Siege', a 2-minute film shown every night before the 22.30 Newsnight programme. It was bringing a day-by-day account of how the siege was affecting a group of ordinary citizens.
The authors were Ademir Kenovic, a graduate of the Sarajevo Film and Theater Academy, and Patrice Barrat, a director from an independent French production company. The full version of the film was broadcast on BBC2 on 20 March 1994. Later on in 1994 the film 'Sarajevo: A Street Under Siege', ('Chaque jour pour Sarajevo') received a BAFTA (British Academy Award of Film & TV Arts) award and the Jury Award at the Locarno Film Festival.
Then "Hajduk Veljkova" street, now "Muse Cazima Catic".